Welcome to the Resting Tree blog, where we delve into the intricacies of mental health, healing, and personal growth. As a private practice specializing in trauma-informed, compassion-focused, and humanistic approaches, we are dedicated to providing insightful and empowering content to support your journey towards holistic well-being.

Our blog is a safe space for exploring the complexities of the human experience, offering valuable resources, and fostering a sense of community. Join us as we navigate the path to healing and self-discovery, one blog post at a time.

Creating a Nurturing Mental Space at Home
Self-Care Celeste Cai Self-Care Celeste Cai

Creating a Nurturing Mental Space at Home

Creating a nurturing mental space at home is essential for fostering overall well-being and mental health. The aim of this article is to guide you in cultivating your own mental headspace at home, supporting mindfulness and well-being. We'll explore steps for simplifying and decluttering, introducing nature, using sensory elements for comfort, and personalizing your surroundings to create a mental safe space.

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New Year, True You: Setting Intentions for Authentic Living
Self-Care Celeste Cai Self-Care Celeste Cai

New Year, True You: Setting Intentions for Authentic Living

With the arrival of a new year, many of us feel a renewed sense of motivation and a desire to make positive changes in our lives. We set goals, make resolutions, and set out on a journey of self-improvement. But what if, instead of focusing on external achievements, we shifted our focus inward? What if, instead of striving for perfection, we focused on living authentically and nurturing our mental well-being?

In this article, we explore the idea of embracing a new year, true you. We delve into the power of setting intentions and how they can guide us towards leading a more authentic and fulfilling life. By setting intentions, we establish a clear direction for our thoughts and actions, allowing us to align our choices with our true values and desires.

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Coping with Loneliness During the Holiday Season: Finding Comfort and Connection

Coping with Loneliness During the Holiday Season: Finding Comfort and Connection

The holiday season is often portrayed as a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many people, it can be a time of increased loneliness and isolation. It's important to remember that feeling lonely during the holidays is common and does not mean there is something wrong with you. In fact, it is an opportunity to practice self-care, seek connection, and find comfort in various ways.

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Why is it Hard to Love Myself? The Impact of Trauma on Self-Love

Why is it Hard to Love Myself? The Impact of Trauma on Self-Love

The impact of trauma on self-love is complex and multifaceted. It alters our self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence, often leading to fear and shame. However, understanding this relationship between trauma and self-love is the first step towards healing and reclaiming our self-worth.

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Navigating Trauma: Steps for Self-Care in the Face of Guilt

Navigating Trauma: Steps for Self-Care in the Face of Guilt

In this article, we delve into the challenges of navigating trauma and the additional burden of guilt. We understand that these weights can feel overwhelming, and we want to provide guidance on the importance of self-care as a lifeline for survival. While this article may not serve as definitive therapy, it serves as an initial step towards comprehending and restoring emotional balance, offering support and insights to help you navigate the path towards self-care and release feelings of guilt.

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Understanding Self-Compassion: What it is and What it is not

Understanding Self-Compassion: What it is and What it is not

Many people struggle to understand the true meaning of self-compassion. Some individuals mistakenly believe that self-compassion involves shirking responsibility or being self-centered and indulgent. However, this is far from the truth. Explore the true definition of self-compassion and its significance in managing trauma and suffering caused by past experiences.

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